POLL: Trump Gets the Credit, Tax Payers Get the Bill: Should NYC have a Golf Course?
According to sources, the real estate mogul Donald Trump wants to build a top level golf course on a former New York City landfill. The golf course would be in the Bronx, near the Whitestone Bridge, which would be converted to an 18-hole gold course and park. What is Trump’s motivation: “For the first time in New York City history we fully intend on bringing championship tour play to the Bronx,” he said in a statement to the Chicago Tribune.
The course, however, would cost $97 million in public funds. Is it worth it to the taxpayers? What do you think?
The details of the deal can be found at: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-rt-us-golfcourse-trumptre8092df-20120110,0,1630372.story