Overpopulation: Does New York Need a New Neighborhood; or Do We Need Taller Buildings?

Manhattan’s population is currently at approximately 1.6 million people, not including commuters who bring the number up to 3.9 million on any given day.  But did you know that New York is expecting approximately 220,000-290,000 additional residents by 2030?  How do we accommodate our future neighbors?
There are two ideas that could potentially address the issue.  First, how about a brand new neighborhood: LoLo, which stands for Lower-Lower Manhattan.  LoLo would be a new neighborhood beginning in Lower Manhattan and stretching towards Governors Island.  Is this unrealistic?  Maybe not.  Much of Lower Manhattan’s foundation is a landfill anyway so stretching it out a little bit more to add another square mile is not beyond the realm of possibilities.  Of course, another solution is to simply allow for taller buildings.  One proposal is in favor of “impact fees” that developers would pay to cover the infrastructure costs associated with their buildings.
Time will tell if the increase in population is simply much ado about nothing.  According to the Census Bureau, Manhattan did in fact have over 1.9 million residents in the 1910’s, 1920’s, and the 1950’s.  Maybe we just need a boost of developments in areas that have yet to be developed.  Stay tuned…

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